Stripes have taken over like big time. The funny part is that I used to think I didn’t like stripes or patterns at all, but lately I have been crushing hard on both of them. I have just learned over the years what colors I can use over a long period of time. Color is such a personal preference for people. For me, I finally learned that I do in fact like stripes and patters I just have to use them sparingly and in a neutral color scheme. You seriously don’t know if you like something until you try it out. It can be scary to jump out of your comfort zone and try something new. Trust me, I am the first person to say that I like my comfort zone, but that’s why I have to remind myself to step out of my comfort zone often.
I tell you guys this a lot because I truly believe you really don’t “hate” everything in the unknown. That picture you finally bought but is now sitting in your closet. Grab that, and start there. Nail that sucker to the wall. Leave it up there for a few weeks even if it feels weird. By the third week I feel like you will truly know if you like it or not. If you do love it, score! If you don’t love it return it to the store or sell it, and now you know that you really don’t like that style. No harm no fowl.
Now this is the tricky part here. After you try a new item and it turns out you don’t like it DON’T STOP THERE! Don’t be afraid then to step out of your comfort zone again and try something else because you might just love the next thing!!
Welcome To My Guest Room
My guest room is one of the rooms in my home, my office being another, where I get creative and try new ideas. My latest idea was to combine the patterns on my Linens and Hutch duvet sets. I thought it would be fun to try out combining the striped one with the petal pattern one. Thankfully, I think it works because they are both neutrals, and they are both a pretty subtle pattern. This was one of those instances where it worked out. Trust me when I say I try new ideas all of the time and they are total fails.
How adorable are these fabric pumpkins. They completely matched the neutral color scheme I was going for. I love that they added that little extra pop of texture with the stripes. These pumpkins are from my friend Melanie at My Jasmine Garden she makes them for you or you can order these where they come to you all ready to put together. She cuts out all of the fabric and puts all of the materials you will need in your order. Then you can make them at home! Doesn’t that sound so fun!
I seriously wish you could all smell this “Fireside Pumpkin” from my friend Maureen Zuzuglow because it is the perfect fall scent.
I hope this blog post encouraged you to step out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to try something new, and I hope that you love what you try. Please feel free to share your new spaces with me on Instagram @homechronicles I can’t wait to see what you try!